Sharehouse Policies and Procedures

Sharehouse Shopping Policy

One family per address may shop with one bag provided by the Sharehouse. All items must be placed inside the bag except for produce.  Any other exceptions will be posted each week. Any specific limitations on food quantities are posted in the pantry. All groceries will be weighed prior to leaving the Sharehouse. 

Política de compras de Sharehouse

Una familia por dirección puede comprar con un bolso suministrado por el Sharehouse. Todos los artículos deben colocarse dentro de la bolsa los productos agrícolas frescos. Cualquier excepción se publicará cada semana. Cualquier limitación específica sobre las cantidades de alimentos se publicará en la despensa. Todas las provisiones serán pesadas antes de salir del Sharehouse.


  • All guests must have a current document on file containing their profile information:  Name, Address (if they have one), Phone Number.
  • Guests may not shop for a neighbor, unless approved by shift leader and communicated to staff.
  • All standard sized items must fit in the bag. Oversize items are excluded, such as gallons of milk, bags of popcorn, gallons of juice etc.  There are other large items that we may come across from time to time, that should be excluded from being in the bag.
  • We would encourage shoppers to move in a counterclockwise motion in the food shopping area but this is not mandatory.
  • We will suspend clothing and household goods shopping on Thanksgiving and Christmas dates to try to ease congestion.
  • Guests need to follow all posted placards.