Women’s Summer Events
Ladies of all ages, please join us Monday June 26th at 7pm for dessert and fellowship at Dan and Teri Foster’s house (36329 Appy Road Eaton, CO 80615)
Desserts will be provided, please bring a lawn chair.
RSVP to Shai Steele (303)-378-3823 or shai.steele@gmail.com
Ladies of all ages, please join us for an end of summer bonfire and BBQ. August 27th at 6:30pm at Sam and Jenn Gustafson’s House (212 2nd Street Eaton CO 80615, type whole address into google maps do not select prompted address.) Please bring a lawn chair and bug spray. Dinner and s’mores will be provided.
RSVP to Stephanie Hotaling (970)-556-0109 stephanie@highplainsharvest.org