Biblical Distinctives Sign up

Biblical Distinctives starts Tuesday, September 20th

Within our commitment to the foundational truths of biblical Christianity, this course is intended to deepen your love for Jesus Christ by helping ground you in foundational concepts of the Christian faith.Biblical_Distinctives

It is simply amazing to stop and realize that God has chosen to reveal Himself to us. The Word of God is indeed a wonderful treasure, and as a disciple (follower) of Jesus, you will be growing in your love for Him for the rest of your life as you dive into this treasure. On top of that, God wants to use you to help others grow in their love for Him as well. We hope your investment in this course fuels your love for Jesus as well as your passion to give these truths away to someone else!

The 11-week Biblical Distinctives course will take you through God’s Word on the “10 most important issues of the church” today.  You will learn how to study God’s Word and discern what you believe and why you believe it.  Class begins November 2nd and be held every Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30pm at the church building.  There is no cost for this course and is open to anyone from the church or community.

want to know more about this class visit the Distinctives page on the website

For more information and Questions email Pastor Mike or Pastor Josh
